WINTER HOURS: MON-WED 10am-5pm THUR-FRI 10am-6pm SAT 9am-5pm SUN Closed

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Our Story

More than three decades ago, we opened the doors to Radical Edge in downtown Fredericton to all those adrenaline junkies who needed a community. We were known in the very beginning as "BackTrails", our original location, tucked away in a back alley, inspired the name. Backtrails sold iconic brands like Royal Robbins, Patagonia and others that still are popular today. Back then, there was a significant lack of outdoor gear available for women, and Mary Davis, our shop owner, wanted to change that.

Since then, we have stayed true to our roots in practicing what we preach. We are passionate about the outdoors and we want to inspire others to get out and experience all that life has to offer. We've seen the trends come and go and our competitive nature helps us stay one step ahead of the game. 

In 2010, The Radical Edge expanded moving the bikes and skis to their new home around the corner to The Radical Edge Bike & Ski Shop on Westmorland St. Then again in 2022, we expanded creating a bike café in historic Marysville called The Landing. Though we all belong to the same family, each shop has their own unique identity, and so we felt it was time for us to differentiate ourselves and to bring some more clarity to our customers about who we are, where we came from and where we're going. We realized that it was time to bring BackTrails back to the forefront to honor our roots and celebrate the legacy of our original mission.

Returning to the name BackTrails is more than just a rebranding effort; it's a testament to our commitment to providing quality outdoor gear and making outdoor activities accessible to all. We're excited about the future and hope you'll join us on this journey.